If you are having issues with video or audio playing for any of the channels,
First “Refresh:” the page to make sure the stream didn’t get tied up in buffering
Next, check your browser search bar to make sure your Flash plugin is active, you will need to allow the Adobe Flash plugin.
Finally, you may want to try a different Web browser, for example if you are using Firefox, then try Google Chrome, If you are using Google Chrome, try Internet Explorer, etc. etc.
Only listing USA and UK TV Channels in this section. For popular TV channels from other countries around the world, go Global TV
Program Terms & Disclosure
Our company doesn’t broadcast any of the programs provided in the members area. We only provide links to existing broadcasts that are already being broadcast over the Internet by copyright holders and/or other parties that may or may not have authorization to broadcast. We do our best to determine if the content is being broadcast through third parties legally.
We will advise you to always view at your own discretion. We are providing a service for a one-time price that offers these links which are transmitted free over the Internet. Our service mines the channels and updates the many thousands of channels to assure our members will always have active channels and will save our members time searching for these channel themselves.
We respect the copyright and content of the TV channel, or movie owners. If we find that any broadcast being provided through our service is an infringement of the copyright owner we will remove the content. If we are notified through DMCA that any content is being distributed illegally without copyright owners consent, we will remove the content.
We are not responsible for content provided from third-party link sources. When visiting third-party websites and resources be cautious of downloading or purchasing. It is not required to purchase anything additional to use our program.